It's New Year's Eve and all over Facebook, Pinterest, and blog land are mentions of how great or sucky 2012 was and, of course, everyone's goals for the new year.
I. just. can't. do. it. this. year.
I can't sit down and write out all of my goals.
It. doesn't. work. for. me.
Sure there are a lot of things I want to accomplish in 2013...some personal, some private, some out there in the open for everyone to see. But I don't want to talk about it. And honestly, I don't want to read yours. Debby downer huh? Maybe. Or maybe I'm just keepin' it real.
Happy New Year's Eve lovies!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Thankful part 2
Here are some more things that are rattling through my head that I am extremely thankful for!!!
- Situations that bring us closer to God.
- Situations that remind us that we need to be in a state of prayer at all times.
- Situations that remind us that this world is NOT our home. We weren't made for any of this world- nothing that is has to offer, none of its drama, none of the things we accumulate, etc.
- Normalcy- however crazy normal might be!
- Friday evening long runs that start off with friends, have quiet contemplation time in the middle, and end reconnecting with my friends!
- Saturday mornings spent in pajamas with coffee and my family.
- Saturdays where I don't have to continuously watch the clock because we have to be somewhere at a certain time.
- Friends that check in on you to make sure you are ok.
- Family that checks in on you to make sure you are ok.
- Planning Christmas lists.
- Making plans for the Thanksgiving holiday!!!!
Friday, November 9, 2012
So basically all of Facebook is on a thankful status kick- meaning beginning on Nov. 1st, they listed one thing they were thankful for each day. I didn't jump on the bandwagon for many being I don't want to feel like I need to be on Facebook every day. But I am thankful for many things and would like to share them with YOU!
1. God. He send His only son to die for me (and you). I am not deserving of His love, grace, and mercy that He gives me every single day.
2. My parents. They really are the best. I'm thankful they raised me in a Godly house. I'm forever grateful for the values they instilled in me at an early age. I love that I'm closer to my mom than I have ever been. And I love that my dad is always there to talk, listen, or advise. Love you two!
3. Kevin. He is really the best husband a woman could ever ask for. God sure knew what he was doing when he put us together. Love you babe!
4. Dylan, Landen, and Alex. Three parts of my heart that are walking around every day. I love them more than they know.
5. Family. My brother, sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt, cousins, etc. I don't have a lot of family, but what I have is pretty great. I know that anytime I need any member of my family, they are 100% there for me!
6. Friends. I don't think I could make it in this crazy world without my friends. And I'm so glad that I have different friends!!!! I have friends that I run with, teach with, go to church with, hang out with, shop with, plan with, etc. I have friends that I have known for 20+ years, and friends that I have known for 6 months. God has placed each person in my life for a reason and for that I am grateful.
7. Running. I. love. to. run. After a bad day, I just run. It all ends up on the pavement. After a great day, I just run. Still, it all ends up on the pavement. There's no judgement, no talking, no pretending to be something you're not...just running.
8. My Health. I know, I know, it sounds corny...but I am. I can get up in the morning with out hurting. I can walk around during the day, run during the week, and basically do what I want. I don't ever want to take that for granted.
That's enough for tonight folks! Stay tuned for part 2!
1. God. He send His only son to die for me (and you). I am not deserving of His love, grace, and mercy that He gives me every single day.
2. My parents. They really are the best. I'm thankful they raised me in a Godly house. I'm forever grateful for the values they instilled in me at an early age. I love that I'm closer to my mom than I have ever been. And I love that my dad is always there to talk, listen, or advise. Love you two!
3. Kevin. He is really the best husband a woman could ever ask for. God sure knew what he was doing when he put us together. Love you babe!
4. Dylan, Landen, and Alex. Three parts of my heart that are walking around every day. I love them more than they know.
5. Family. My brother, sister-in-laws, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt, cousins, etc. I don't have a lot of family, but what I have is pretty great. I know that anytime I need any member of my family, they are 100% there for me!
6. Friends. I don't think I could make it in this crazy world without my friends. And I'm so glad that I have different friends!!!! I have friends that I run with, teach with, go to church with, hang out with, shop with, plan with, etc. I have friends that I have known for 20+ years, and friends that I have known for 6 months. God has placed each person in my life for a reason and for that I am grateful.
7. Running. I. love. to. run. After a bad day, I just run. It all ends up on the pavement. After a great day, I just run. Still, it all ends up on the pavement. There's no judgement, no talking, no pretending to be something you're not...just running.
8. My Health. I know, I know, it sounds corny...but I am. I can get up in the morning with out hurting. I can walk around during the day, run during the week, and basically do what I want. I don't ever want to take that for granted.
That's enough for tonight folks! Stay tuned for part 2!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Race Recap
I am a runner. I run for many reasons. 1-I am able to. God blessed me with a body that is physically able to run. 2-STRESS RELIEVER! 3-Enjoyment. 5-To take care of ME, both physically and mentally. 4-To run just a little bit better/faster than I did last time.
While I am no where near an "elite athlete", I am proud of my accomplishments, and I need somewhere to keep track of my races, times, and PR's.
5K Races
Run for the Sight Sept '11 29:30
Medical Center Oct. '11 28:19
Monster Dash Oct '11 ??:??
Turkey Run Nov 24, 2011 28:27
Cupid's Chase Feb 10th, 2012 26:00
Eagle Flight Mar 3, 2012 25:54 **Second Place Age Group**
Purple Strider July 27, 2012 25:10 **Second Place Age Group**
Color Run July 28, 2012 ??:??
Monster Dash Oct. 27,2012 23:59 **First Place Age group** PR
4 Miler
Hospice July 28, 2012 37:03 **Overall Female Winner** PR
Flying Pig May 5, 2012 53:50
Medical Center Oct 13, 2012 47:14 **Third Place Age Group** PR
1/2 Marathon
Total Fitness Connection March 30, 2011 2:09:51
Lady Speed Stick Sept. 22, 2012 1:55:37
BG26.2 and Half Nov. 4, 2012 1:53:25 **Second Place Age group** PR
While I am no where near an "elite athlete", I am proud of my accomplishments, and I need somewhere to keep track of my races, times, and PR's.
5K Races
Run for the Sight Sept '11 29:30
Medical Center Oct. '11 28:19
Monster Dash Oct '11 ??:??
Turkey Run Nov 24, 2011 28:27
Cupid's Chase Feb 10th, 2012 26:00
Eagle Flight Mar 3, 2012 25:54 **Second Place Age Group**
Purple Strider July 27, 2012 25:10 **Second Place Age Group**
Color Run July 28, 2012 ??:??
Monster Dash Oct. 27,2012 23:59 **First Place Age group** PR
4 Miler
Hospice July 28, 2012 37:03 **Overall Female Winner** PR
Flying Pig May 5, 2012 53:50
Medical Center Oct 13, 2012 47:14 **Third Place Age Group** PR
1/2 Marathon
Total Fitness Connection March 30, 2011 2:09:51
Lady Speed Stick Sept. 22, 2012 1:55:37
BG26.2 and Half Nov. 4, 2012 1:53:25 **Second Place Age group** PR
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Update on LIFE
Well, school is officially well underway and my life is passing by like a speeding car!! I just can't believe how quickly the days go by! So instead of rambling on with words...I'll show you some pics and update that way!
Our oldest has made the transition from elementary to j.r. high *sniff, sniff*. He's in the band, and has decided to play french horn!
I did my first 4 miler race on August 11th, and was the first female to cross the finish line. My time was 33:01, but I know I could have shaved a minute or so off if the course hadn't been so mucked up with 5 inch gravel pits :-( Regardless, I am proud of that race!
I'm not exactly sure why I took this pictures, or why I am including it on the's not exactly flattering! But it does reflect my week- work clothes, in the car, in serious thought about something, probably rushing to get to my next destination.
Another fabulous pic...obviously I should win an award for taking iPhone pictures. Anyhoo! There is so much background story/information to this picture...I'll have to share later. But let's just say God answers prayer, and we are so happy to be in each other's lives again!
For some reason, Landen and Alex LOVE to fall asleep in our big bed- even though Kevin takes them to their bed when it's our grown-up bedtime. This is how I found Alex one night...he had made a cocoon of all the pillows. Hilarious!
Ok- so we all know that I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag! Oh, well- not my talent! Last Friday some friends and myself went on a long run downtown. HA! I had NO CLUE as to where I was going. It was slightly annoying for me :-(. So this weekend I decided to be prepared. I studied the course map, wrote down directions on a post-it, laminated it, and pinned it to my shirt. Worked like a charm!!!!
Our oldest has made the transition from elementary to j.r. high *sniff, sniff*. He's in the band, and has decided to play french horn!
I did my first 4 miler race on August 11th, and was the first female to cross the finish line. My time was 33:01, but I know I could have shaved a minute or so off if the course hadn't been so mucked up with 5 inch gravel pits :-( Regardless, I am proud of that race!
I'm not exactly sure why I took this pictures, or why I am including it on the's not exactly flattering! But it does reflect my week- work clothes, in the car, in serious thought about something, probably rushing to get to my next destination.
Another fabulous pic...obviously I should win an award for taking iPhone pictures. Anyhoo! There is so much background story/information to this picture...I'll have to share later. But let's just say God answers prayer, and we are so happy to be in each other's lives again!
For some reason, Landen and Alex LOVE to fall asleep in our big bed- even though Kevin takes them to their bed when it's our grown-up bedtime. This is how I found Alex one night...he had made a cocoon of all the pillows. Hilarious!
Ok- so we all know that I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag! Oh, well- not my talent! Last Friday some friends and myself went on a long run downtown. HA! I had NO CLUE as to where I was going. It was slightly annoying for me :-(. So this weekend I decided to be prepared. I studied the course map, wrote down directions on a post-it, laminated it, and pinned it to my shirt. Worked like a charm!!!!
And finally- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture from our church's website! Our pastor has been preaching on love each Sunday. It's been just what I need!
So there you go! My life in a nutshell. See ya soon!!!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Random is the name of the game folks. There's a lot going on inside this little head of mine, and I get to spill it all out for Y-O-U! Your welcome.
#1 Olympics...I've never been real interested, but since I am probably on my way to competing in some type of running event, I wanna see it ALL this year! I'm actually trying to figure out how we can watch the opening ceremonies since we don't have cable...anyone wanna have us over?
#2 Speed work...for my entire running career (yes all 13 months) I have never participated in this magical speed work. I've wanted to incorporate it in my training, but have lacked the motivation to implement it...until Tuesday @ 6. I met a local running group to see what it would be like. We ran 8 400m repeats @ a 5K pace, and it was way fun! It took me a while to get my pace right, and I'm not entirely sure it was where it need to be (didn't have my app telling me my pace), but I could tell I was moving faster than my regular runs. And glory, hallelujah, the next morning my butt and upper thighs were sore!!! Best. feeling. ever.
#3's a love hate relationship. I think that we are all ready to be back in some sort of routine, so therefore, we are ready for school to start. However, I am not ready for all the things that go with it- early morning wake ups, packing lunches, signing papers, homework, blah, blah, blah.
#4 Races...I haven't raced since May- Flying Pig 10K in Cincinnati. All of that will change on Saturday though. I have 2 races back to back. A local 5K here, and a fun 5K in Louisville- The Color Run! Then, it's 1 race in August, 2 in September (including a half marathon), 2 in October, 2 in November (including another half), and 0 in December. I'm slightly nervous about the 5K tomorrow. My fastest time was a 23:42 and that was the second half of the 10K I ran in May. For some reason that puts a lot of pressure on me to run that time or faster tomorrow. YIKES! Sunday we will be leaving at 4:30 AM...yes, AM- for our Color Run. Not nervous about that at all. I am nervous about running 2 half marathons with only 1 month between. I'm sure my body will be 100% cool with that though :)
#5 Pictures for you delight!
#1 Olympics...I've never been real interested, but since I am probably on my way to competing in some type of running event, I wanna see it ALL this year! I'm actually trying to figure out how we can watch the opening ceremonies since we don't have cable...anyone wanna have us over?
#2 Speed work...for my entire running career (yes all 13 months) I have never participated in this magical speed work. I've wanted to incorporate it in my training, but have lacked the motivation to implement it...until Tuesday @ 6. I met a local running group to see what it would be like. We ran 8 400m repeats @ a 5K pace, and it was way fun! It took me a while to get my pace right, and I'm not entirely sure it was where it need to be (didn't have my app telling me my pace), but I could tell I was moving faster than my regular runs. And glory, hallelujah, the next morning my butt and upper thighs were sore!!! Best. feeling. ever.
#3's a love hate relationship. I think that we are all ready to be back in some sort of routine, so therefore, we are ready for school to start. However, I am not ready for all the things that go with it- early morning wake ups, packing lunches, signing papers, homework, blah, blah, blah.
#4 Races...I haven't raced since May- Flying Pig 10K in Cincinnati. All of that will change on Saturday though. I have 2 races back to back. A local 5K here, and a fun 5K in Louisville- The Color Run! Then, it's 1 race in August, 2 in September (including a half marathon), 2 in October, 2 in November (including another half), and 0 in December. I'm slightly nervous about the 5K tomorrow. My fastest time was a 23:42 and that was the second half of the 10K I ran in May. For some reason that puts a lot of pressure on me to run that time or faster tomorrow. YIKES! Sunday we will be leaving at 4:30 AM...yes, AM- for our Color Run. Not nervous about that at all. I am nervous about running 2 half marathons with only 1 month between. I'm sure my body will be 100% cool with that though :)
#5 Pictures for you delight!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Eating Clean Is Good For Me!
Yep, that's right! I'll be honest, I didn't Google what eating clean exactly means...we are rolling with the Jennifer definition. Here's the deal- when I eat a whole lot of veggies, fruits and greens; some potatoes (white and orange), beans, nuts, and whole wheat grains- I feel sooooo good!!!
I can't listen to my body's kinda against my whole goal :-( It wants me to eat cereal, crackers, sugar yummies, processed foods, CARBS!!!!!!!! Sometimes I have to give in to the cravings, and sometimes that's ok, but 90% of the time I'm on the straight and narrow.
While we were on our cross country trek, we all had to compromise and let go of a few things. The kiddos didn't have their own rooms to go play in, Kevin didn't have the convince of taking a shower every time a drop of sweat hit his forehead, and I couldn't eat or run like I wanted. Let's face it- we were basically living out of the back of our Armada! The result was major bloating...and swelling...and complaining! I felt like a beached whale :-( Not a good feeling. It is totally amazing- what you eat really makes a difference!!!!!!
It took about 2 weeks to get back where I was before we left. I don't walk around feeling bloated and blah all the time, and my mileage is back to where I want it to be. So here's my two cents- 1. People eat too much. It really doesn't take much to fill you up...IF you make the right choices. 2. People eat too much processed food. If it has more than 5 ingredients, you probably need to make a better choice! 3. People don't eat enough veggies. They're good folks...I promise!!!! 4. People don't drink enough water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!! And finally, 5. People don't exercise enough! Get out there and move ain't gonna kill you to get your heart rate up and sweat for a while!!!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Crazo Confessions
Here's some random Crazo Confessions for you. These are some, and I stress some, of the crazo things that I do in my life :-) Maybe you do some too...enjoy!
- I keep a pile of running shorts, running shirts, sports bras, underwear, and socks on top of the corner of my dresser.
- I sort my underwear by pairs that work for me when I run and pairs that don't.
- I wipe down the toilet seat before I sit if I am anywhere but my house and my family's houses.
- I absolutely will not flush public toilets with my hand.
- The sheets in a hotel MUST NOT go above my shoulders....and that's if it's a 4 star hotel. 3 star hotels don't even make it on my body! And FORGET about anything less than a 3 star hotel.
- I usually need to rinse out my glasses before I fill them up with a beverage.
- I feel lost without my red aleutian water bottle.
- The bills in my wallet need to be in order with bigger bills in the back of the stack.
- My breakfast is a protein shake- if not, I feel off all day.
- I cannot wear my running shoes any place except on a run (or to the gym if, and only if, I am going to run).
- I need to arrive at a race at least an hour before.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Weee're Baaaack!
That's right folks- we're back! On June 28th the Johnson's rolled back into BG! We had an ah-mazing vacation!!!!! I can't begin to tell you all the sights we saw, good times we had, memories that were made...and of course the meltdowns (kid AND adults), the name calling (just kids here), and the 5,952 times we heard, "Are we there yet?". As it so often is, it was great to go and great to get back home!!!
Those of you that know me, know what a germ freak I am. Public bathrooms and shady hotels are not among my favorite things. This trip has cured me of one of those things though- public bathrooms. I might rename this summer as....THE SUMMER OF THE BAD BATHROOMS. We encountered more hole in the ground (literally) filled with crap (literally) in 9,000 degree weather (literally) bathrooms along the way. And when you gotta go, you gotta go!
Leaving the comforts of home and getting out of your routine really makes you aware of how much a person depends on their routine. It's no secret that we eat healthy, and that I have a slight obsession with running (yes, slight). Along our adventure out west we tried our best to continue our healthy eats, but when you are eating out of the back of an Armada for most of your meals, convenience come in and sometimes healthy goes out. Also, over 18 days I only ran 10 miles. 10 miles...that's horrific! The scale and I are now arch enemies until the number goes down. And I'm still battling with my body on when it needs to eat. It's crazy how 18 days can alter the way you eat!
But, all things aside, it was a great time by all.
Now- let's talk running! This morning I ran a fun, local 4K. It was my first 4K ever! No monetary entry fee- just bring 4 canned food items. They did have shirts for $5 (I did buy one), and they were really cute. It began at the local running store that sponsored it, followed a local park path, hooked up with the Greenway, and then ended at the store. At ever 1K, there was something to do...10 push-ups, 10 squats, and 10 jumping jacks. The course overall was really hilly and it was already fairly hot out, so I didn't go all out. There wasn't a timing system, so I have no clue as to what I finished in (believe it or not I didn't run with my phone!!!), but my dad said that I finished towards the beginning of the pack (we left in waves of 20). It was a fun way to get a few miles in on the 4th!
Let's talk for a few minutes about running with and without the phone. I always run with my phone...3 reasons. 1. If something happens I have the ability to call someone. 2. It has my Nike app on it and it tells me my mileage and pace. 3. My music. All 3 of those reasons have been really important...until recently. Since we have returned, I have been running more at the gym due to the heat. While there, I have been running without music- no biggie- they have music playing there, and there's t.v.s to look at. Monday, I woke up and headed out before the heat got too oppressive. I took my phone for reasons 1, 2, and 3, BUT about 3/4 of the way into my run my music got ANNOYING! It was hot, I was sweating, and I didn't want to hear anything! So I took my buds out and went solo. It was good. I did it again this morning- it was a fun run, so I wasn't worried about pace or anything and I didn't feel like I would need my music to "pump me up". Again, good feeling. I'm not saying I will never run with my phone again, I will. I like to know how far I've gone and how fast/slow I'm going. But I do think I'll run more without my tunes.
Happy 4th y'all!!
Those of you that know me, know what a germ freak I am. Public bathrooms and shady hotels are not among my favorite things. This trip has cured me of one of those things though- public bathrooms. I might rename this summer as....THE SUMMER OF THE BAD BATHROOMS. We encountered more hole in the ground (literally) filled with crap (literally) in 9,000 degree weather (literally) bathrooms along the way. And when you gotta go, you gotta go!
Leaving the comforts of home and getting out of your routine really makes you aware of how much a person depends on their routine. It's no secret that we eat healthy, and that I have a slight obsession with running (yes, slight). Along our adventure out west we tried our best to continue our healthy eats, but when you are eating out of the back of an Armada for most of your meals, convenience come in and sometimes healthy goes out. Also, over 18 days I only ran 10 miles. 10 miles...that's horrific! The scale and I are now arch enemies until the number goes down. And I'm still battling with my body on when it needs to eat. It's crazy how 18 days can alter the way you eat!
But, all things aside, it was a great time by all.
Now- let's talk running! This morning I ran a fun, local 4K. It was my first 4K ever! No monetary entry fee- just bring 4 canned food items. They did have shirts for $5 (I did buy one), and they were really cute. It began at the local running store that sponsored it, followed a local park path, hooked up with the Greenway, and then ended at the store. At ever 1K, there was something to do...10 push-ups, 10 squats, and 10 jumping jacks. The course overall was really hilly and it was already fairly hot out, so I didn't go all out. There wasn't a timing system, so I have no clue as to what I finished in (believe it or not I didn't run with my phone!!!), but my dad said that I finished towards the beginning of the pack (we left in waves of 20). It was a fun way to get a few miles in on the 4th!
Let's talk for a few minutes about running with and without the phone. I always run with my phone...3 reasons. 1. If something happens I have the ability to call someone. 2. It has my Nike app on it and it tells me my mileage and pace. 3. My music. All 3 of those reasons have been really important...until recently. Since we have returned, I have been running more at the gym due to the heat. While there, I have been running without music- no biggie- they have music playing there, and there's t.v.s to look at. Monday, I woke up and headed out before the heat got too oppressive. I took my phone for reasons 1, 2, and 3, BUT about 3/4 of the way into my run my music got ANNOYING! It was hot, I was sweating, and I didn't want to hear anything! So I took my buds out and went solo. It was good. I did it again this morning- it was a fun run, so I wasn't worried about pace or anything and I didn't feel like I would need my music to "pump me up". Again, good feeling. I'm not saying I will never run with my phone again, I will. I like to know how far I've gone and how fast/slow I'm going. But I do think I'll run more without my tunes.
Happy 4th y'all!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Griswold...Err- I mean Johnson Family Vacation
So today begins what we have been anxiously waiting for since October 2nd. (I say we loosely, because back then I was the only one excited!) Today we embark on our Trip Out West!!
I plan on posting pics and short updates on the blog. I'll check in as often as our surroundings let us! We would appreciate your prayers for safe traveling, safety at the campgrounds/hotels/cities/national parks, and KEEPING OUR SANITY!!

I plan on posting pics and short updates on the blog. I'll check in as often as our surroundings let us! We would appreciate your prayers for safe traveling, safety at the campgrounds/hotels/cities/national parks, and KEEPING OUR SANITY!!

Friday, June 1, 2012
Can you believe it? Dylan is oldest boy is 11. It utterly shocks me! The years just keep rolling by.
I asked if he wanted to celebrate the big occasion with a pool party, but he said no. I asked about a party at the house, but he said no. So I asked him what he wanted to do. He opted for having a friend over to spend the night and dinner out with family. So that is what we did. His friend came over around 1:00 and dinner was at 4:30. It has been a great day, and I hope he has realized how much he is loved by so many people!
Happy birthday Dylan! We love you.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I had a tiny baby boy. Then a toddler. Shortly thereafter he started preschool, then kindergarten. I turn around, and now he is graduating 5th grade. He will start Jr. high school on August 2nd. He will no longer be in the same building as his brothers. A piece of my heart will be in the 6th grade.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Y'all I got a case of the apathies. And yes, that is now a real word. To be more frank, darling I don't give a damn. That's right. Strangely, and thankfully, it only extends to school. I could care less that my alarm goes off and I should get up and get ready for school. I could care less that testing is over today. I could care less that I am taking 22 3rd graders to Beech Bend tomorrow. I. could. care. less. people. I am so over this thing called school year 2011-2012.
Give me a couple months off to sit by a pool, soak up some with my out I PROMISE, I'll come back 100% refreshed and recharged! But until that happens, the apathies are taking over.
Give me a couple months off to sit by a pool, soak up some with my out I PROMISE, I'll come back 100% refreshed and recharged! But until that happens, the apathies are taking over.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
State Testing = Torture

Yes, that is a did you know?
We just finished day 2 of testing. And. I. want. to. jump. off. a. bridge. into. oncoming. traffic. NO JOKE! Y'all it's rough. Obviously idiots came up with the whole state testing idea. Obviously.
It is also very clear that I am dramatic. This is the pic I sent my hubby of me on day 1. You should have seen the kids...hardee har har!
In other news- I am trying to figure out how to up my mileage to 30 miles a week. I'd really like to get in 5 & 6 mile runs during the week, but the whole "job" thing is getting in the way. I'm hoping with summer right around the corner, I can make that dream a reality. I know you all are super concerned about that.
Also, here's a bunch of random stuff that I think you should know...
1. Alex's b-day party is Saturday. Nothing is done for it. I have only bought the cake mix and frosting.
2. My bank account is sad :-(.
3. Summer is RIIIIIIGHT around the corner.
4. Our vacation is RIIIIGHT around the corner.
5. Testing sucks.
6. I would like to move.
7. I would also like a new wardrobe.
9. Waking up at 5:00 am is getting OOOOOLLLLLDDDD.
10. I don't really have anything else, but I had to end on an even number :-)
Tomorrow is FRIDAY! TGIF y'all!!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
The Flying Pig 10K
![]() ![]() |
26665 | Jennifer | Johnson | F 30-34 | 276 | 15/292 | 80/1719 | 53:41 | 8:40 |
Can you make any sense of that mumbo jumbo? Well, it's the results for my very first 10K race (yes, I have ran a half marathon and not a 10K-until Saturday that is!)!!! Let me break it down for you- out of 2,598 people I came in 276th place. There were 292 people in my age division (30-34) and I came in 15th. There were 1,719 females and I came in 80th. My overall pace was 8:40 with a finishing time of 53:41.
Now, I beg to differ with their timing system. My Nike app had me at an 8:06 pace with a 51:06 finish time. It also had the course being 6.6 miles instead of 6.2.
Regardless, I am happy with those results!!! It was a fun weekend spent with my brother and sister in law. Wish we would've had more time, and a few more pics. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Thursday's Thoughts
So here's how it goes-
I have a training plan on my fridge. I sorta follow it. I had some speed work on Tuesday which I replaced with 4 speedy miles. No biggie. But then there are days like today, where before I run I formulate a plan...5-6 miles s.l.o.w.e.r. Nothing fancy. Then I go out and totally BLOW my plan.
I have this thing where I can't stand to hear my pace go down during a run. Start off slow and keep it slow=fine. Start of speedy and then slow down=traumatizing. Makes a lot of sense huh?
So my girl (Nike app lady) told me I was running a 9:09 within the first mile. NOT THE PLAN JOHNSON. With the muggy weather, I knew it wouldn't be fun keep up the 9:09 pace for 5+ miles. I tried to will myself to slow down...9:07, 9:05, 9:02...what the heck? So I ended up with 4 miles at a 9:02 pace. Not what I was going for.
I need to work on my pace. That's my goal after my 10K next Saturday. Totally pumped about that by the way!
I have a training plan on my fridge. I sorta follow it. I had some speed work on Tuesday which I replaced with 4 speedy miles. No biggie. But then there are days like today, where before I run I formulate a plan...5-6 miles s.l.o.w.e.r. Nothing fancy. Then I go out and totally BLOW my plan.
I have this thing where I can't stand to hear my pace go down during a run. Start off slow and keep it slow=fine. Start of speedy and then slow down=traumatizing. Makes a lot of sense huh?
So my girl (Nike app lady) told me I was running a 9:09 within the first mile. NOT THE PLAN JOHNSON. With the muggy weather, I knew it wouldn't be fun keep up the 9:09 pace for 5+ miles. I tried to will myself to slow down...9:07, 9:05, 9:02...what the heck? So I ended up with 4 miles at a 9:02 pace. Not what I was going for.
I need to work on my pace. That's my goal after my 10K next Saturday. Totally pumped about that by the way!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wednesday Rambelings...
Ready, set, ramble...
Some days I just want to do my own thing. Y'know what I mean? Wake up when I want to, eat what I want to, sit where I want (for how long I want), talk to who I want to talk to, run when I want to, buy what I want to...gosh the list goes on. But in reality, how often can (or should) we do that?
Also, I've always been a people person. I love to be around my friends!!! But lately (and lately=the past year) I've been drawn to quiet, family time. Time where it's just me. Or just me and my family. Is it because I'm getting old? Is God trying to tell me to be still?
So all this pondering brings me to one of my favorite times of the year...SUMMER! It is a time when I can do my own thing (within reason). There isn't a horrific alarm sounding at a horrific time. I can sit on the couch and wake up, or lounge in the bed. I can talk to my boys and hubby, mom or friends without rushing. We can GO SOMEWHERE and not have time constraints holding us back. I can be by myself (or as by myself as I can be with 3 boys and a hubby). It is glorious, and I absolutely cannot wait!
With the impending summer also comes a great anticipation...a trip anticipation. #1. I love to travel. Anywhere, anytime. Pack me up a bag, and put me on my merry way. I'm good. So this summer, I have planned a trip out west for my family!!! YEEEE-HAW! As June grows closer, my heart just beats a little faster. I can't wait to start gathering things and packing. I've already made a list of things to pack, Google-ed directions, made a plan for $$$$$...YIPPEE!!!
Moving on to other rambles.
I ran Saturday for the first time with someone. I was nervous. What's the proper "running with someone else" etiquette? I wasn't quite sure.
Turns out, I didn't need to worry. We had a great run and a great time! I'm telling you...that hour and 45 minutes when by faster than going solo! It was nice to have someone to chat with along the way. While I truly treasure my solo runs, I want to make it a priority to run more with others. It was also my longest run since my half.
Next ramble.
I enjoyed some of my hubby's fires. They were warm and toasty, and the boys and I enjoyed a sweet treat.
For your viewing pleasure-
An out of focus picture of a new Forever 21 purchas!!!. I always feel slightly out of place in that store. I don't agree with a lot of the clothing in our society...UMMMMM- MODESTY LADIES! But I thought this was way cute!
So, those are all my thoughts tonight.
To sum up-
1. I like to do my own thing.
2. I love summer.
3. I love to travel, and can't wait until our summer trip.
4. Running with someone can be fun!
5. Fires + s'mores + kids&hubby= fun times.
6. You can buy a dress at forever 21 & not feel like a prostitute.
Until next time~
Some days I just want to do my own thing. Y'know what I mean? Wake up when I want to, eat what I want to, sit where I want (for how long I want), talk to who I want to talk to, run when I want to, buy what I want to...gosh the list goes on. But in reality, how often can (or should) we do that?
Also, I've always been a people person. I love to be around my friends!!! But lately (and lately=the past year) I've been drawn to quiet, family time. Time where it's just me. Or just me and my family. Is it because I'm getting old? Is God trying to tell me to be still?
So all this pondering brings me to one of my favorite times of the year...SUMMER! It is a time when I can do my own thing (within reason). There isn't a horrific alarm sounding at a horrific time. I can sit on the couch and wake up, or lounge in the bed. I can talk to my boys and hubby, mom or friends without rushing. We can GO SOMEWHERE and not have time constraints holding us back. I can be by myself (or as by myself as I can be with 3 boys and a hubby). It is glorious, and I absolutely cannot wait!
With the impending summer also comes a great anticipation...a trip anticipation. #1. I love to travel. Anywhere, anytime. Pack me up a bag, and put me on my merry way. I'm good. So this summer, I have planned a trip out west for my family!!! YEEEE-HAW! As June grows closer, my heart just beats a little faster. I can't wait to start gathering things and packing. I've already made a list of things to pack, Google-ed directions, made a plan for $$$$$...YIPPEE!!!
Moving on to other rambles.
I ran Saturday for the first time with someone. I was nervous. What's the proper "running with someone else" etiquette? I wasn't quite sure.
Turns out, I didn't need to worry. We had a great run and a great time! I'm telling you...that hour and 45 minutes when by faster than going solo! It was nice to have someone to chat with along the way. While I truly treasure my solo runs, I want to make it a priority to run more with others. It was also my longest run since my half.
Next ramble.
I enjoyed some of my hubby's fires. They were warm and toasty, and the boys and I enjoyed a sweet treat.
For your viewing pleasure-
An out of focus picture of a new Forever 21 purchas!!!. I always feel slightly out of place in that store. I don't agree with a lot of the clothing in our society...UMMMMM- MODESTY LADIES! But I thought this was way cute!
So, those are all my thoughts tonight.
To sum up-
1. I like to do my own thing.
2. I love summer.
3. I love to travel, and can't wait until our summer trip.
4. Running with someone can be fun!
5. Fires + s'mores + kids&hubby= fun times.
6. You can buy a dress at forever 21 & not feel like a prostitute.
Until next time~
Thursday, April 12, 2012
It's Spring Break & I Can Blog More ;-)
Catchy title huh? Yes, I know you are excited (all 2 of you) about me blogging more. That means you get to hear more about my running, or family, or school, or convictions. Hah! Any-who...let's talk about running first. Yesterday I ran after my hubby came home from school- 4:30. Usually this arrangement doesn't work. 1. I am tired after working all day and just want to crash. 2. It has been crazy hot lately, and I HATE running in the heat! But since neither of these situations were happening, it worked out nicely. I had a speed workout on the training schedule, but wasn't feeling it. Yesterday was the first time running with my phone...meaning my Nike app was on, my music was going, and chick was telling me my pace every 1/2 mile. I just really wanted to see where I was since my sick-set-back. I was pleasantly surprised to hear 9:09 at 1/2 mile and then to hear the numbers go down from there! I finished with a 8:46 average pace for 3.70 miles. I was happy. So I did a little temp run instead of speed...I'm cool with that. Today is a 4 miler.
So, I thought I might change things up a bit...or copy off other blogs- whatever...and list some things I am Thankful for since it is Thursday and everyone loves alliteration!
1. I am thankful for running. Even when I hate it, I love it!
2. I am thankful for SPRING BREAK! Oh, spring break, how I love thee! Waking up whenever is fabulous; wearing my pajamas all day is superb; leaving the house, not leaving the house, doing whatever=love; being with my 3 boys=LOVE....I LOVE SPRING BREAK!
3. I am thankful for hour long phone conversations with my mom. You're cool mom, and I love that I can talk to you for extended period of time!!!
4. I am thankful for my hubby! Y'all he's pretty awesome! He's a hard worker, he's a Godly husband and father, he LOVES us! It's all good :)
5. And lastly I am thankful for my Wednesday night bible study. Honestly, I wasn't very psyched to go last night but WHA-BAM was it amazing! Just what I needed. God's pretty awesome!
So there you are. 5 little things that I am thankful for on this Thursday morning. Your welcome.
Take some time to reflect on what you are thankful for this Thursday!
So, I thought I might change things up a bit...or copy off other blogs- whatever...and list some things I am Thankful for since it is Thursday and everyone loves alliteration!
1. I am thankful for running. Even when I hate it, I love it!
2. I am thankful for SPRING BREAK! Oh, spring break, how I love thee! Waking up whenever is fabulous; wearing my pajamas all day is superb; leaving the house, not leaving the house, doing whatever=love; being with my 3 boys=LOVE....I LOVE SPRING BREAK!
3. I am thankful for hour long phone conversations with my mom. You're cool mom, and I love that I can talk to you for extended period of time!!!
4. I am thankful for my hubby! Y'all he's pretty awesome! He's a hard worker, he's a Godly husband and father, he LOVES us! It's all good :)
5. And lastly I am thankful for my Wednesday night bible study. Honestly, I wasn't very psyched to go last night but WHA-BAM was it amazing! Just what I needed. God's pretty awesome!
So there you are. 5 little things that I am thankful for on this Thursday morning. Your welcome.
Take some time to reflect on what you are thankful for this Thursday!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Yes, I Will Run Again...
So tricks on me! I didn't run Saturday...because I had STREP THROAT. Happy Easter to you Jennifer...first you will get the flu and feel like death for 3 days, then you will grow a huge white blister on the right side of your throat. BAHAHAHAHA!!! (that is supposed to be an evil laugh) Oh, and your running...BAHAHAHAH (more evil laugh) ain't gonna happen for awhile. And when it does, it will make you cry.
OK, that may be a LITTLE dramatic...just slightly. The antibiotic for my strep is working nicely though. I was able to get up and move around and act human yesterday for almost the whole entire day! Also, I ate a meal for the first time since Tuesday afternoon. Yes, I am proud! I even did some exercises last night..squats, sumo squats (these are way fun!), lunges, crab lunges/squat things...good stuff.
So, this morning the alarm goes off- 3 miles to be done. I spent a good 10 minutes giving myself a talk. It went like this, "Get your butt out of bed Johnson. You've had a week to recover and be sick. It's running time little lady!" Yeah, it worked. I got up. I ran. It was not my best. But...I'm not going to dwell. I've been sick for 5 days!!! I'm not going to be as speedy or be able to run as with is lady! I'm going to run again tomorrow, and each day things are going to get better. Deal? Deal!
Here's proof that I am among the living!
OK, that may be a LITTLE dramatic...just slightly. The antibiotic for my strep is working nicely though. I was able to get up and move around and act human yesterday for almost the whole entire day! Also, I ate a meal for the first time since Tuesday afternoon. Yes, I am proud! I even did some exercises last night..squats, sumo squats (these are way fun!), lunges, crab lunges/squat things...good stuff.
So, this morning the alarm goes off- 3 miles to be done. I spent a good 10 minutes giving myself a talk. It went like this, "Get your butt out of bed Johnson. You've had a week to recover and be sick. It's running time little lady!" Yeah, it worked. I got up. I ran. It was not my best. But...I'm not going to dwell. I've been sick for 5 days!!! I'm not going to be as speedy or be able to run as with is lady! I'm going to run again tomorrow, and each day things are going to get better. Deal? Deal!
Here's proof that I am among the living!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Will I Ever Run Again??
Ok, so maybe that title is a little dramatic. But hey, my legs are crying out brain is going what's up! But my body, my poor body. It's just not with the program. Let me back up a few days and get you caught up on what's been going on around the Johnson house.
Last week- Kevin went on Spring Break & Kevin got bronchitis. I'm sure that was on his Spring Break to do list.
Friday-Dylan had a gum graft.
Saturday- I ran my half marathon; Dylan was puny; Kevin felt like death; boys had soccer all day.
Sunday- Dylan started running a fever + cough. Kevin started feeling more alive.
Monday- Dylan tested positive for the flu.Tamiflu to the rescue!
Tuesday-Alex woke up with a fever of 101.4. Tamiflu to the rescue! By Tuesday afternoon I had a cough and felt like a bus hit me. Temp at 4:30-99.4. Temp at 5:30-100.2. By this time I was shaking uncontrollably and about half out of it.Somehow I drove to Quick Care, sat there for 30 min., saw the nurse practitioner (temp 101.4), got some Tamiflu!, and drove home with out dying (still wondering how that happened!).
Wednesday- Dylan, Alex, and myself were all home from school. I was zonked out in a fever induced stupor in the bed, while Dylan and Alex were a little more lively in the living room. Kevin was a trooper.
Thursday- Dylan and Alex go back to school. I awake from my fever induced stupor to drag my butt to the couch. I finally decide maybe I should try to eat something, since I hadn't since Tuesday afternoon...blah to food!
Today- Landen wakes up with a 100.4 fever and guess what Kevin goes to pick up...YES! TAMI-FREAKING-FLU! By this time the nurse at our pediatrician's office is laughing when my husband calls her. Of course, by lunch time he is running around like a mad man...WHAT?! I am still down and out...barely able to function coherently, and he's running around like a wild man. How is that even right? Yes, my aches are gone, my fever is gone, but yes, my cough is still here, my head is still hurting, my nose is stopped up, and my stomach is rolling...blah to food.
Tomorrow my goals are to:
1. Be in a vertical position more than a horizontal position.
2. Eat more than 2 bites.
3. Put one foot in front of the other in rapid succession. I think some people call it running.
4. Get out of the house & among the living.
5. Get my boys some Easter goodies.
Gosh, I'm tired just writing those. That's a lot to accomplish. I hope I make it!
Last week- Kevin went on Spring Break & Kevin got bronchitis. I'm sure that was on his Spring Break to do list.
Friday-Dylan had a gum graft.
Saturday- I ran my half marathon; Dylan was puny; Kevin felt like death; boys had soccer all day.
Sunday- Dylan started running a fever + cough. Kevin started feeling more alive.
Monday- Dylan tested positive for the flu.Tamiflu to the rescue!
Tuesday-Alex woke up with a fever of 101.4. Tamiflu to the rescue! By Tuesday afternoon I had a cough and felt like a bus hit me. Temp at 4:30-99.4. Temp at 5:30-100.2. By this time I was shaking uncontrollably and about half out of it.Somehow I drove to Quick Care, sat there for 30 min., saw the nurse practitioner (temp 101.4), got some Tamiflu!, and drove home with out dying (still wondering how that happened!).
Wednesday- Dylan, Alex, and myself were all home from school. I was zonked out in a fever induced stupor in the bed, while Dylan and Alex were a little more lively in the living room. Kevin was a trooper.
Thursday- Dylan and Alex go back to school. I awake from my fever induced stupor to drag my butt to the couch. I finally decide maybe I should try to eat something, since I hadn't since Tuesday afternoon...blah to food!
Today- Landen wakes up with a 100.4 fever and guess what Kevin goes to pick up...YES! TAMI-FREAKING-FLU! By this time the nurse at our pediatrician's office is laughing when my husband calls her. Of course, by lunch time he is running around like a mad man...WHAT?! I am still down and out...barely able to function coherently, and he's running around like a wild man. How is that even right? Yes, my aches are gone, my fever is gone, but yes, my cough is still here, my head is still hurting, my nose is stopped up, and my stomach is rolling...blah to food.
Tomorrow my goals are to:
1. Be in a vertical position more than a horizontal position.
2. Eat more than 2 bites.
3. Put one foot in front of the other in rapid succession. I think some people call it running.
4. Get out of the house & among the living.
5. Get my boys some Easter goodies.
Gosh, I'm tired just writing those. That's a lot to accomplish. I hope I make it!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
8 Jennifer Johnson 152 58 30 2:10:27 9:58 Bowling Green KY
I did it!!!! I am an official half-marathoner (not mini marathoner...that doesn't sound as prestigious)! And according to the info above, I came in 8th in my age group (out of 17) and finished with a time of 2 hours 10 minutes and 27 seconds. Not too shabby for my first half!!!
So let's break it down. Obviously there was no running the day before. Friday was a pretty chill day...I ended up eating dinner later than I wanted to, but it was delish! Potatoes and carrots roasted in the oven and portabella mushrooms sauteed on the stove. Top it all off with a bowl of fruit...delish!
One of the reasons why we ate so late, is because we were trying to drive the race course....I say trying because I was navigator. If you all know me at all, you know that directions are my strong point. What I did get out of the part of the course that we did drive, was that is was going to be a little hilly. Remember when I said "the course is fairly flat"...LIAR! It wasn't crazy hill city, but there were definitely more inclines than I would have liked. Anyway...on to race day.
My alarm went off this morning at 5:30- my dad was picking me up at 6:30 'member? So I jumped in the shower and woke myself up (all the while noticing that my stomach felt a little off...). After the shower I went to fix my coffee and protein shake. The thought of eating or putting anything in my body kinda turned my already turned stomach. I was a little worried about this shaky stomach thing :-( I ended up using the bathroom (and by using the bathroom, I mean USING the bathroom) 4 times before my parents arrived.
I glumly announced that we couldn't go anywhere until my stomach had calmed down a bit...but I knew that we were up against the clock. Roads started shutting down at 7:30 and that's when racers moved towards the starting line. I ended up going once more before we headed out.
The ride there I felt like a bundle of stomach was off, I hadn't eaten hardly anything, I didn't feel hydrated enough...I was trying not to get down before I even started. Remember, one of my goals was to finish physically and emotionally strong! I used the bathroom at the race about 4 times (one time USING the bathroom) and excitedly made my way to the starting line when they called for us.
The race itself was pretty uneventful. I prayed throughout the whole entire thing! I had horrible side stitches during the first 1/2 mile to mile, and thank God He took them away! I'm guessing those are related to USING the bathroom. I had to reign my pace in during the first 2 miles, but after that I was good until we got toward the end of the race. I enjoyed my music, I enjoyed the miles, I enjoyed the sun not shining and the gentle wind blowing (sounds like a country song huh?). Life was good...well as good as it can be running 13.1 miles. Things were good until around mile 11.5...I know right...I was RIGHT there! Totally the end in sight. But my body was just plain 'ole TIRED! My side stitches were returning, my sweat was turning to salt...literally, salt, and my pace was slowing waaay down. I kept praying and kept telling myself that I had this. I hate to admit it, but I did stop and walk twice during those last couple of miles. I got my second (or third, fourth, or fifth) wind, and ended up finishing strong!
Do I wish I hadn't have walked at the end? Yes. Do I wish my time would have been closer to 2:00? Yes. Do I wish I hadn't had to USE the bathroom so many times before the race? OH YES!!!! I proud of what I did? Absolutely. Am I convinced my hard training paid off? You bet. Am I proud as heck to be able to say I ran a half-marathon? Yes 'mam!
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