Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Flying Pig 10K

printradius 26665 Jennifer Johnson F 30-34 276 15/292 80/1719 53:41 8:40

Can you make any sense of that mumbo jumbo?  Well, it's the results for my very first 10K race (yes, I have ran a half marathon and not a 10K-until Saturday that is!)!!!  Let me break it down for you-  out of 2,598 people I came in 276th place.  There were 292 people in my age division (30-34) and I came in 15th.  There were 1,719 females and I came in 80th.  My overall pace was 8:40 with a finishing time of 53:41. 

Now, I beg to differ with their timing system.  My Nike app had me at an 8:06 pace with a 51:06 finish time.  It also had the course being 6.6 miles instead of 6.2.  

Regardless, I am happy with those results!!!  It was a fun weekend spent with my brother and sister in law.  Wish we would've had more time, and a few more pics.  Enjoy!

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