Monday, April 9, 2012

Yes, I Will Run Again...

So tricks on me!  I didn't run Saturday...because I had STREP THROAT.  Happy Easter to you Jennifer...first you will get the flu and feel like death for 3 days, then you will grow a huge white blister on the right side of your throat.  BAHAHAHAHA!!!  (that is supposed to be an evil laugh)  Oh, and your running...BAHAHAHAH (more evil laugh) ain't gonna happen for awhile.  And when it does, it will make you cry.

OK, that may be a LITTLE dramatic...just slightly.  The antibiotic for my strep is working nicely though.  I was able to get up and move around and act human yesterday for almost the whole entire day!  Also, I ate a meal for the first time since Tuesday afternoon.  Yes, I am proud!  I even did some exercises last night..squats, sumo squats (these are way fun!), lunges, crab lunges/squat things...good stuff.

So, this morning the alarm goes off- 3 miles to be done.  I spent a good 10 minutes giving myself a talk.  It went like this, "Get your butt out of bed Johnson.  You've had a week to recover and be sick.  It's running time little lady!"  Yeah, it worked.  I got up.  I ran.  It was not my best.  But...I'm not going to dwell.  I've been sick for 5 days!!!  I'm not going to be as speedy or be able to run as with is lady!  I'm going to run again tomorrow, and each day things are going to get better.  Deal?  Deal!

Here's proof that I am among the living!

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