Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year = New You!

And so it begins...the writing of resolutions that we seem to forget about 2 weeks into the new year.  I don't think I have ever kept my resolutions for more than a couple of weeks...heck I don't think I have ever remembered them for more than a week or so!  But each year we strive to better ourselves, our environments, our choices, our relationships.  So here goes...
-In no particular order-
  1. Pray more often; read my bible; spend time with God.  This one is self explanatory.
  2. Feed my family better foods.  First of all you should watch Food Inc. and wake up about where and how our food gets in the grocery store...YUCK-O!  I am determined to feed my family better this year by limiting processed foods and buying organic or locally grown meats.  For example, instead of buying a box of granola bars I am determined to make my own!
  3. Continue with running and going to the gym.  In 2011 I completed 4 5K's!!  In 2012 I am registered for a half-marathon and a 10K.  I would love to run a race a month, but don't want to get burnt out.  My husband and I have a good schedule with the gym and we plan on continuing with it!
  4. Limit my time at work.  News flash people...teachers do not work 8:00-3:00!!!!  There are many, many more long hours put into teaching.  I love my job, however I am tired of pulling out of the school parking lot at 4:30 or later every day.  I hate that my kids and husband get what I have left at the end of the day.  I am determined in 2012 to leave after I get my students on the bus everyday (except faculty meeting days of course!).
  5. Schedule, schedule, schedule our time.  This comes as a direct result of #4.  Since I plan on leaving and will be able to pick my boys up from school, I want to have a good schedule, or flow, of what our afternoons will look like.  I want to incorporate a healthy snack, free play time outside, homework time, reading time, dinner, gym, and some DSI time.    
  6. Be aware of my relationships with other people.  Face it folks, we are all super busy!  And having and sustaining relationships with other people takes time and effort.  Sometimes I get upset because I feel like I am pulling more "weight" in the relationship, but I need to realize if it is a truly important relationship to me, then it shouldn't matter.  I should be willing to go the extra step, make the phone call/text/email to connect with them.  I am also going to pray over my relationships more in 2012.
      7. Be financially responsible.  My husband and I have made some STUPID financial choices in the   past!  And we are reaping those consequences today still!  I want to get out of the cycle and become responsible with our money.  I know that it's going to be hard...we are really going to have to change how we think. 

Whew!  That's a lot...but I think they are all realistic for me and my family.  Honestly I think numbers 7, 2, and unfortunately 1 will be the hardest.   #7-Money is just a hard thing for me...I want to spend it foolishly instead of making the responsible choices.  #2- I am going to try soooooo hard on this one.  I just hope our busy lives don't make this too hard.  And I know it's going to be more expensive which ties in to #7.  #1-This should be the easiest of all, but I know how life sneaks up on you and after skipping a day or two with God it just falls by the wayside.  I am determined to start and end each day with prayer and the reading of His word.

So, what do you think?  What are some things you are going to commit to working on in 2012?

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