I'll be honest, my day was a little thrown off because of no run. I like my run schedule, heck I like a schedule period!!! So throughout the day doubts crept into my mind about my run on the treadmill that night. I went back and forth...ok, just run 2 miles-you can run 2 miles on a treadmill; no, run all 4. It will be fine; ok maybe don't run on the treadmill at all. Save it for Friday. I felt like I had split personalities of something!!!! Also, I was a little concerned about my knee. One of the main reasons I run in the morning is to alleviate some knee pain since I am on my feet all day at work. So basically I had myself talked into how horrible and painful it was going to be.
Ha, ha for me because it WASN'T!! My hubby got on the treadmill beside me with the intentions of some light jogging mostly walking and I liked having him beside me. And plus I might be a little competitive when it comes to sports, so the adrenaline of having him beside me and multiple other people on the treadmill kinda kicked in! Soon my NIKE lady was saying how speedy fast I was running and a mile was already over!!!! Wooo to the Hooo!!!! My average pace started out at 8:30-which I knew I couldn't sustain for 4 miles- and dipped to 9:00 minutes by mile 4. Still I was pumped. I had all kinds of crazy energy!!! Where the heck did it come from????? I'm still curious????
Today is our last day of school before Christmas break!!!!!! That means a couple things for my running schedule... 1. It will be out of whack. My alarm no longer needs to go off at 4:45. I don't have to be at school at 7:30 for 2 weeks!!! 2. When will I run?????? 3. I'd like to add another day of running to my schedule too. Lots of things for me to ponder. Have a good one y'all!

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