Friday, December 9, 2011

Thinking in the early morning...

Ok, you've heard it a 1,000 times-we have lost the true meaning of Christmas. It isn't about the gifts under the tree, it's about Jesus. And yes, that is correct! But when are we going to start really believing that and acting upon it? Why do I feel the need to try and fulfill my boys Christmas wants? Why are we still talking about Santa...he's not real! Jesus is real! He supplies all our needs and loves us!

My Christmas list seems to grow every year, and this year it is really growing...ON MY NERVES! I am determined to be finished with Christmas shopping this weekend. I am also determined that we do things a little different next Christmas. Someone on Facebook posted a link to this blog. You need to read it...what great ideas! Imagine if everyone adopted this thought process...we would live in a different world that's for sure. And I think that would be the best Christmas present we could give our kids.

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