Saturdays can go two ways in the winter months...1. Loafing around the house, kinda dull, borderline boring OR 2. Jam packed with running errands, getting in and out of the car, and spending too much money. This past Saturday leaned more toward #2.
My main mission was to get my hubby out of the house and to the dr since he has been coughing for weeks and weeks!
My main mission was to get my hubby out of the house and to the dr since he has been coughing for weeks and weeks!
No, those aren't all his...6 of them are mine...yes, 6 of them! It's been an interesting week, and no I am not going to blog about it!
But anyway, our first stop was the Train depot.
We did actually make it inside the depot. The boys really enjoyed looking at all the trains, but especially enjoyed the table set up with trains they could actually touch!
Our next stop was the KY Museum on WKU's campus. Admission was free and it was Christmas themed. Dylan was excited to see the Civil War exhibits and talk to the civil war soldier! Landen just soaked it all in...
We then make a lunch stop at home and tried to hit the mall for a return...BAD idea! The lines were outrageous and our patience was thinning. We decided to go home and play outside (yes, in the 30 degree freezing weather!) Landen and Alex did 5 laps around the house and played out for about 10 minutes. Kevin hit the couch, and I made plans with a friend to gallivante that evening. All in all it was a packed day! But I wouldn't want to have spent it with any one else :)

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