Ready, set, ramble...
Some days I just want to do my own thing. Y'know what I mean? Wake up when I want to, eat what I want to, sit where I want (for how long I want), talk to who I want to talk to, run when I want to, buy what I want to...gosh the list goes on. But in reality, how often can (or should) we do that?
Also, I've always been a people person. I love to be around my friends!!! But lately (and lately=the past year) I've been drawn to quiet, family time. Time where it's just me. Or just me and my family. Is it because I'm getting old? Is God trying to tell me to be still?
So all this pondering brings me to one of my favorite times of the year...SUMMER! It is a time when I can do my own thing (within reason). There isn't a horrific alarm sounding at a horrific time. I can sit on the couch and wake up, or lounge in the bed. I can talk to my boys and hubby, mom or friends without rushing. We can GO SOMEWHERE and not have time constraints holding us back. I can be by myself (or as by myself as I can be with 3 boys and a hubby). It is glorious, and I absolutely cannot wait!
With the impending summer also comes a great anticipation...a trip
anticipation. #1. I love to travel. Anywhere, anytime. Pack me up a
bag, and put me on my merry way. I'm good. So this summer, I have
planned a trip out west for my family!!! YEEEE-HAW! As June grows
closer, my heart just beats a little faster. I can't wait to start
gathering things and packing. I've already made a list of things to
pack, Google-ed directions, made a plan for $$$$$...YIPPEE!!!
Moving on to other rambles.
I ran Saturday for the first time with someone. I was nervous. What's the proper "running with someone else" etiquette? I wasn't quite sure.
Turns out, I didn't need to worry. We had a great run and a great time! I'm telling you...that hour and 45 minutes when by faster than going solo! It was nice to have someone to chat with along the way. While I truly treasure my solo runs, I want to make it a priority to run more with others. It was also my longest run since my half.
Next ramble.
I enjoyed some of my hubby's fires. They were warm and toasty, and the boys and I enjoyed a sweet treat.
For your viewing pleasure-
An out of focus picture of a new Forever 21 purchas!!!. I always feel slightly out of place in that store. I don't agree with a lot of the clothing in our society...UMMMMM- MODESTY LADIES! But I thought this was way cute!
So, those are all my thoughts tonight.
To sum up-
1. I like to do my own thing.
2. I love summer.
3. I love to travel, and can't wait until our summer trip.
4. Running with someone can be fun!
5. Fires + s'mores + kids&hubby= fun times.
6. You can buy a dress at forever 21 & not feel like a prostitute.
Until next time~