Thursday, February 2, 2012

I might need to chill..

Yes, as the title suggests I might need to chill.  About a lot of things, but we don't have the time for that post!  I need to chill slightly with my running schedule.  Did you all know I was training for a half-marathon...snicker, snicker.  Of course you did!  Well then you know all about my Hal Higdon marathon training schedule, and then my very own spinoff version! 

Friends my days are not my's right there on black and white paper.  But here lies the problem-sometimes LIFE happens and my schedule cannot go on like planned.  9 times out of 10 there are no hitches.  But this morning there was a hitch.  See my classroom sounds like an infirmary.  I kid you not- I have 23 students, and I think 20 of them are sick with some type of cough/snotty nose/sneezy head/fever/achy body thing. (yes that is an official diagnosis).  So of course yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose.  Then this morning when the alarm went off I just COULDN'T pull my body out of bed.  I was tired, my nose was stuffy, and I just wasn't feeling it!!  Boo to that..I regretted it the minute I was out of the bed at my normal non-run time.  The thought of my 5 miles NOT being run today just about put me over the edge.  To top it off, it was a balmy 60 something degrees here in KY, and all day all I could think of was ARGH!!!!  I SHOULD BE RUNNING MY 5 MILES NOT TEACHING THESE CHILDREN!!!  Yes, I have a problem.

Sooooooo-I pick up my three darling children from school, shuttle them home, bark orders for them to throw on some clothes and tennis shoes, load the bikes in the truck, and head over to the water park.  My glorious plan was for them to ride their bikes (and a scooter) and me to run behind.  In my mind we would glide around, and around, and around, and around the trail...not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 TIMES (for 5 miles of course).  Yeah, that DIDN'T happen.  Shocker I know.  So we left the water park after 2, two, T-W-O times around (and they were a rough 2 times I tell ya!!!).  And it just ate my insides that I only ran 2 miles today. 

Sooooooo-I planned another glorious plan, and that is to get up at 4:45 tomorrow and run a speedy 3 miles and be back by 5:30 so my hubby can leave for work.  See friends, isn't it genius?  Crazo me cannot just let it go...noooooooo.  I have to have those 5 miles under my belt. 

But wait...there's more!  Saturday is supposed to be my long run day.  Check out that schedule up there-it's 11 miles.  The weather has decided that it is NOT going to cooperate, and instead of being precipitation is going to rain.  The nerve!  So I spend all day preoccupied by the fact that I didn't run 5 miles today AND it is going to rain on my long run day.  Rest assured I have a plan though-if it does rain hard all day (sprinkles don't count...I am ALL over running in sprinkles) then I will default to running on Sunday, after church, after lunch, with a semi-full belly...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.  Not really excited about that, but not running my long run might just put me over the edge folks. 

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