Sunday, March 11, 2012

 Remember that last post talking about how great my run was????  Well my long run on Saturday sucked!  I have to remind myself that yes, I will have runs where I feel super, fast, and light as the wind.  Where after 5 miles have gone by, I'm barely breathing hard.  But I will also have runs where 1/2 a mile feels like the devil, and I feel like my feet are in quick sand.  I had such high hopes for this run on is my last long, long run before my half on the 31st.  Of course, I had just come back from Louisville and might have indulged in some food I wasn't used to, and I was running on a lack of sleep.  So, yes it does make sense when I think about it.  If you don't take care of your body for a couple of days, how can you expect it to perform? 

But are some lovlies from my phone.

So here's the rundown on the pictures above. 
#1- 2nd Annual Eagle Flight 5K was a success.  I placed 2nd in my age group...holla!
#2- My hubby, and friend, and myself went to a technology conference in Louisville and stayed at The Galt House hotel. 
#3- Does this even need an explanation????  It is me at like 5:30 in the morning getting my fitness groove on...thanks Kevin for snapping this delightful beauty...
#4- Hit the 400 mile mark on my Nike app.  Just to be clear, I have run over 400 miles since June 2011...569 to be exact.  I just didn't use the app in the beginning.
#5- My lovely sunburnt face after the 12.64 miler yesterday.

Have a good week friends!!!  

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