Saturday, October 15, 2011

Medical Center 5K

My alarm went off at 6:20 this morning...this Saturday morning mind you...anyone see anything wrong with that?!?!?!?!? Believe it or not, but I was already awake and jumped out of bed the first second I heard it. Sounds even stranger huh?

Today was RACE DAY! My second 5K :-) It was a chilly morning-around 52-but the sun was shining and a slight breeze was blowing. I was a little disappointed with how they had us line was a 5K that allowed either running or walking and they herded everyone together. I spent the first .5 mile maneuvering around walkers...YIKES! I think it hurt my pace a little, and it was definitely ANNOYING! But overall it was a really good race and I thoroughly enjoyed the course-down hill to the finish line...can I get a WHOOP WHOOP!! Pace-9:11 mile. I know the clock had 28 on it, but sadly I didn't catch the last two digits :-( . My parents left for the beach last night and I didn't have my trusty dad with me to snap a pic of the clock as I came bummer. I was pretty happy with it all, and totally felt like I could have kept running.

After the race, I went home to rouse my sleeping crew and get our youngest ready for the Children's Classic. Alex was super pumped!!! He did a fantastic job, and everyone had a good time! They especially loved running on WKU's football field!

I'm pumped because I have my next 2 RACES already lined up! I registered for the Monster Dash 5K (10-28), and an autism run (4 miler 10-29). The Monster Dash has a fun 1 mile trick or treat option that the boys are excited about, and I'm excited about having my family see me cross the finish line!!!

Happy running folks!!

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