Friday, May 27, 2011


Picture with me...I am sitting on the couch, my boys are watching Cars (Friday night movie) and I decide to browse some blogs. I start by clicking on some random links located on a blog that I read often. Want to know what the common themes are????? Get ready to GAG...
Let me tell you about all the trips my family takes- Disney, cruises, beach, skiing, desert, etc.
Look at my fabulous house and -oops- how messy it is.
Here's all the fantastic, expensive, things I have bought for my fantastic house.
Look at all the uber good pictures, taken with my uber expensive camera, of my uber cute, well dressed, children.
Oh, and while you are looking at my children, check out my hunk husband that just stepped out of J. Crew/Brooks Brothers/Lands End/Polo catolog.
Let me tell you about poetry night at my house once a week at dinner...super gag!
Speaking of dinner, do you want my recipe for homemade from scratch, no sugar, no flour, no colors, no dye, no artificial anything, no processed anything, no taste recipe? Everyone loved it!!!
And don't forget a smattering of pictures of the mom- super skinny, stylish dressed, manicured, and hair styled.
OH. MY. GAWD. I felt sick just reading them all and had to stop. Is this fairly tale world???? Do some people REALLY live like that??? Here's the deal-e-o...
1. I yell at my kids when they are disobeying, or getting on my LAST NERVE.
2. I spank them sometimes.
3. I am sometimes selfish and will lay on the couch and make my husband load the dishwasher.
4. My house is 100% less than perfect.
5. Every room is NOT decorated out of pottery barn.
6. I have a bad attitude at least 3-4 times a day.
7. I do not cook EVERY night, and when I do cook it's not all homemade.
8. My life is far from perfect, BUT I love it!!!!
YIKES-O BANAN-O!!! I gotta get off here and come back to reality. Oh, P.S. happy last day of school to meeeeee!!!! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I know you all have been anxiously waiting to hear what kind of interesting things we got "into" last weekend. Well, it was a big NOTHING! The super energy high I was on petered out and I crashed into comatose mode soon after that blog post.

Sometimes I just have great intentions, but they don't always come through! Something I am SUPER excited about is the LAST. DAY. OF. SCHOOL. TOMORROW. Absolutely fantastic!!!! I am sad to see my darling little 3rd graders grow up, but happy that I will still their reading teacher next year :) My little mind is already thinking about the great things that we are going to do next year!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A "Soupa" Kind of Day!

First of all, let me start out by saying it is INVALUABLE to like people you work with!! I work with some pretty AWESOME people!! They make my life and job W-A-Y more fun :) And for that I am eternally grateful.

So, have you ever had a wild hair up your butt and just wanted to paint the town red???Well, I have...actually to be quite honest, I get them very regularly. I'll just want to jump in the car and drive somewhere new and fantastic. Or do something super fun and sparkly!!!

So today after school on my way to pick up the boys, I got one of these wild hairs! Of course my dearest mother gets to hear all of my wild and crazy ideas (and my husband and all my work friends) I called her and shared my need to get some happy, spontaneity in my life :) We kicked around a few ideas and I told her I would call her tomorrow with all the fabulous details of our night.

Soooooooooo-I know your jaw is hanging open and your are tense with anticipation; waiting to hear what my plans are right?!?!?! Well, you'll just have to wait!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Craz-o Banan-o Kind of Weekend!!!

This is what I feel like this weekend...let me recap-

Thursday @ 3:30- load school bus with 10 4th and 5th graders and two other adults and drive to Lexington for STLP State Finals.

Thursday @ 9:00- check into hotel with the crazo people mentioned above

Thursday @ 9:30- supervise swim at hotel pool...the size of my big toe with 22 children jumping in and out of it! (mind you most of the chaperones were sitting OUTSIDE!!!!).

Thursday @ midnight- turn hotel room light off and TRY to go to sleep.

Friday @ 2:30 IN THE MORNING- wake up to snoring, and freezing artic temperatures. CAN NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP.

Friday @ 9:00- breakfast in belly and loaded on the bus making a quick stop at Starbucks.

Friday @ 2:30-load bus after being at Rupp ALL day with thousands of millions of kids...loud kids...

Friday @ 5:40- arrive at school and release the 10 students back into their parents custody.

Friday @ 6:00- finally make it home to my biological children and loving hubby only to BITE THEIR HEADS OFF due to my lack of sleep.

Friday @9:30- fall into bed.

Saturday @ 6:45 am- wake up to alarm blaring. Get dressed and head off

Saturday @ 8:30-10:30- give presentation on Literature Circles to other educators

Saturday @ 3:40- arrive home after participating in school conference.

Saturday @ 3:40- WEEKEND FINALLY BEGINS!!!

If you are still reading you deserve an award. Here's to 9 more school days!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Here's some thoughts that are running through my head on this 1st day of May!

Saw this movie with some of my girlfriends Friday night. Great movie...I would give it 2 thumbs up! The book is sitting on my nightstand with only the first couple of pages read-I think I'm ready to try it again though!!

I want my house to be sold and for us to be moved into a new one (yes, I have my eye on a new one). BUT, I am trying to be patient and make sure that we are making the correct choices. I have been praying and praying about this lately. That I not make decisions in haste, that we go/do what God wants us to do. Hard and heavy stuff!

What teacher in their right mind (or student) doesn't want this sign to be on the school this time of year?!?!?! We are on our last week of state testing, and I am so ready for May 27th to be here. I am starting literature circles up with my 3rd and 4th graders, and continuing them with my 5th grades and am really pumped about it-so we will end the year with a reading bang!

And finally, wouldn't it be grand to be in that picture? Beautiful, beautiful stuff right there! Have a fantastic week :)