Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Men I Love!

March birthdays are special in our family! Mine, my hubby's, and my dad's are all in March! Your pocketbook could really be hurting by the middle of the month.

So, Happy Birthday to the two most important men in my life! I am so blessed to have a husband that is perfect for me in every was a God thing that we got together for sure!!!

I'm also blessed to have such a "cool dad" as one of my third graders said during out last Junior Acheivement session. And I have to agree...he is the one I have always been able to talk to about ANYTHING, and that to me is priceless!
I'm so thankful that these men are in my life! Happy birthday...and here's to many more!


  1. How sweet. You are blessed. I think God knew to give you Kevin as a husband and dad as your earthly father. I am also glad I am your mother.

  2. Me too! I am blessed with a wonderful family for sure!!! Love ya :)
