Thursday, March 18, 2010


This time of year seems to be really stressful for teachers. Testing begins soon, and teachers are trying to cram that last bit of content in. Students are getting antsy and pushing boundaries that have been pushed all year. Tempers are running high and patience seems to be running low...with everything and everyone!
I have my own stressball...KTIP! It will be over next week, and I am soooooo thankful. So, say a prayer y' stinks to be stressed or to work in a stressful environment.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Men I Love!

March birthdays are special in our family! Mine, my hubby's, and my dad's are all in March! Your pocketbook could really be hurting by the middle of the month.

So, Happy Birthday to the two most important men in my life! I am so blessed to have a husband that is perfect for me in every was a God thing that we got together for sure!!!

I'm also blessed to have such a "cool dad" as one of my third graders said during out last Junior Acheivement session. And I have to agree...he is the one I have always been able to talk to about ANYTHING, and that to me is priceless!
I'm so thankful that these men are in my life! Happy birthday...and here's to many more!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I believe that nothing is coincidence. Everything that happens, God allows to happen. So I know that it was no mistake that Jon Stokes is our realtor. May sound like something small, but before I even knew who he was, I knew his mother. Now I had no idea that he was a realtor...I just called up Crye Leike one day to list our house and was connected to him. After we had agreed to list it with him I was talking to my friends at school one day and when I mentioned who our realtor was they mentioned his mom...then it all clicked! His mom, Sharon, came to our school last Spring to work with the porfolios. We spent almost half a semester together and shopped on more than one occasion. She is a wonderful woman! I'm not saying there is huge meaning or signifigance in this...but I know God planned it for a reason. Just as I know our house will sell when the time is right...I have to remember there is a season for everything.
What a BEAUTIFUL weekend!!! I think God got my previous email and decided to give us a glimpse of the coming attractions :)

I turned around at Lowe's today and saw this...never a dull moment folks, never dull!