Balance...simple word, but sometimes can be a hard concept! Here it is less than a week before school starts, and I kinda feel like my life is about to change-like it does every fall. Over the summer we get in a routine of staying up late, sleeping l-a-t-e, eating whatever whenever, staying at the pool all day, running errands whenever the spirit moved us, lounging on the couch, playing the Wii with the kids, cat napping, running, hitting up the gym, working my tail off in spin class...on and on it goes!!
So here comes school...8 hour + days that will take over our life!!! I am wondering how am I going to fit in some of the fun stuff we have been enjoying. I am determined to still make it to spin class 2 days a week. The other 5 need to be run days (with a day of rest of course!!!). Dinner will need to be cooked, homework (YUCK!) will need to be completed, attention given to kiddos and hubby, papers/lesson plans will need adjusting, and my sanity will need some attention too! Also, my faith is a huge part of my life, and I don't want to give God my last and little bit...I want Him to have my first and all. How to get it all in? How do you stay balanced?