Our first "official" day of Spring Break and we decided to head to Mammoth Cave. I have wonderful childhood memories of family reunions there, so it's important to make sure my children have a bank of good memories to draw from as well.

This was our view as we walked from the car to the Visitor's Center to get our cave tickets. Ahhh, so sweet you might say. I nudged my husband and said quick! Get the camera out they're not fighting!!!! For the oldest and youngest to get along, much less hug each other is an act of God! They are sooooo much alike it isn't even funny, and that's putting it mildly!

We had an absolute blast hiking! We were on the trails for about 2-3 hours!!! And boy did we hear the whinning on the way back to the Visitor's Center for lunch...

I think it's safe to say they got their fill!

My boys crack me up...yes, they are all boy-rolling in the mud, wrestling over nothing, going from 0-100 in 2 seconds flat...BUT when a wasp/bee/moth/fly buzzes by- you would think their very lives are being threatened! This area had to be 100% secure before Alex would even dream of stepping in, and the other two were off when the first bee buzzed. Boys will be boys I guess, and I know I wouldn't trade my FOUR for the world!
**I picked up something on the way home...check back for a post on it!!