Sunday, August 28, 2011

The 100 Mile Mark and More!

One gold medal for me!!!! I realized today, as I was logging my run, that I have run 100.8 miles since June 20th! Go me :) I knew back in June that I wanted to start back (running) but I wasn't 100% sure that I would still be running once school started. I'm glad that I have found a descent (not great) balance so I can still run, be with the kiddos, and generally live life.

In other news not much other than school, homework, work, running/gym, spending time with family, running errands, and church have been going on over here. The weeks and days seem to be just flying by- each one faster than the one before.

Totally off topic, and with no way of happening any time soon, I want this car!!!! It's a Buick Enclave, and I have fallen in love!!!!!!!!! If anyone out in blogger land wants to surprise me with it, that would be toatally perfect. Thank you.

Maybe I'll post again before Fall Break...maybe not...who knows. I'm trying but sometimes life just interrupts my best laid plans :)